The Godfather Buck
The Godfather Buck, directed by Thomas J. Churchill, stars Kyle Lowder (Days of Our Lives), Frederick Keeve (The Accompanist), Indar Smith (Daisy Boy) and Julie Eagleton (Stan & Ollie). Two brothers, who meet once a year at a cabin in Big Bear to hunt white-tailed deer for a week, uncover hidden family secrets and lies when their stepbrother drops for an evening, changing their lives forever. The film is primarily a heartfelt story of exploration of men’s attitudes towards women, male sexuality, intimacy and relationships, but is also the story of the loving relationship between three brothers. The films deals with the subject of men and masculinity, and incorporates hunting as a metaphor for relationships between men and women; a symbol of toxic masculinity in a male-donimated culture, as well as family secrets and lies, catharsis and healing.
About The Production
The Godfather Buck was shot in the mountains of San Bernardino, CA, in the summer of 2021 with a budget of $750k and was released by Gravitas Ventures on 19th April 2022. The film was a finalist in the Rome Prisma Film Awards, and the Malibu Film Festival. It was also an official selection of the Marina Del Rey Film Festival where Kyle Lowder was awarded Best Actor - Feature Drama. It won Best Feature Film at the Around International Film Festival and was an official selection of the Oaxaca Film Festival.
Further information about the production can be found on IMDb here.