Night and Day
Night and Day, directed by Tim Fywell (The English Game) is a short fictional drama set in London, April 2020. A month into lockdown and two sisters are impelled to put all they hold dear at risk. One a doctor, Sarah, played by Kelly Price (The English Game) who is working on the frontline at a London hospital, decides to speak out about her working conditions. The other, an unemployed theatre actress, Freya, played by Claudia Jessie (Bridgerton), dares to leave the house for the first time in weeks. The film explores how the sisters deal with daily mental stress in very different ways. Night and Day employs the compelling power of film to shine a light on the extraordinary, challenging times of living through a global pandemic, separately and together. A world where people are forced into isolation one from the other, or into claustrophobic proximity, desperately searching for new ways to connect, and not knowing how to.
About The Production
Night and Day was shot on location in London in December 2020 over the course of three days on a crowdfunded budget of £8k. The filmmakers - frantically up against the clock - as London moved from Tier 3 into Tier 4, due to the city going into a second lockdown. Night and Day was nominated for Best Short Film at both the LA Shorts International Film Festival and the Beverly Hills Film Festival.
Further information about the production can be found on IMDb here.