Paul is Dead




Paul Is Dead, directed by George Moore, is a short comedy-drama set in The Lake District, England, in 1967. Hungover and at each other's throats, John (Reid Anderson), George (Basil Marples) and Ringo (Ashley Pekri) must convince Billy Shears (Anton Tweedale), a sheepish rural lookalike, to join their band after Paul (Anton Tweedale) dies during an experimental-drug filled musical retreat. Braving a perilous mountain hike to bury Paul at the summit, they each must face up to their own inner conflicts and calamitous personal shortcomings if they are going to make it through the journey and stop the band from falling apart. Peace-loving John is a macho bully, spiritual George is a materialistic faker, the reliable musical backbone Ringo is a spineless shirker, and energetic Paul is utterly lifeless. With the band in a critical condition, they must each figure out who they are. Paul Is Dead is a comedy-drama about identity; what it really means to find yourself and what it takes to go from nobody to somebody, inspired by the greatest rock & roll conspiracy theory of all time.

About The Production

Paul Is Dead was shot on location in the Lake District over the course of five days, on a crowdfunded budget of £4K. The film has gone on to receive prestigious festival selections across Britain, Europe and America, including BAFTATM qualifiers Aesthetica Film Festival and London Short Film Festival. The film was hand-picked to feature on the highly competitive curation website Short Of The Week, and was awarded Best Cinematography by the Royal Television Society’s short film jury, alongside a nomination for Best Comedy and Entertainment

Further information about the production can be found on IMDb here.
